What is an accountability partnership

In the simplest terms accountability partners are those who will hold you accountable to your actions in the process of moving towards your goals.

Why do you need an accountability partner

If you are working at an office your work progress is monitored by the management. They will make sure you are on the right path and the work is being done properly.

But what about your studies, your own business, or side hustle? It all depends on your own willpower and ability to move forward. It is going to be challenging, and you are likely to fall off the wagon easily.

This is where you need an accountability partner. This person

  • will help you plan your work. Identify the “essential” tasks you need to perform, while cutting out the unnecessary tasks that block your road towards your goals.
  • will monitor your progress and help you to get back on track, if you are not performing well

Our accountability partnership involves work planning support and progress monitoring. Check below to understand our approach.

Our service plans